Social Media Chemist
813.867.0017 x)311

What is your favorite marketing product, service or tool?
Face-to-face networking & community engagement
What is the one marketing rule you love to break?
Getting personal in my messaging
What is your favorite food?
PF Chang’s Mongolian Beef
What is something weird about you?
I grew up as an only child, who acquired over a dozen siblings over the last 10 years!
A quote:
“Be Still and Know I AM God.”
What is the first website you look at every morning?
Building Common Ground within community is my hot button!
I have served in the capacity of a full-service community development manager for over fifteen years. My career has afforded me the opportunity to serve multiple communities across the county. I enjoy building relationships between internal audiences and the communities they serve. My efforts have increased productivity within the marketplace and fostered residual economic and social growth.
The excitement over fostering effective communication with all audiences, strengthening community ties, increasing brand awareness, and spreading the mission of an a community driven organization, is my inherent passion.