
On-Demand Targeting is a simple and automated approach to identifying the prospects who are most likely to behave in a desired way, in response to a direct marketing campaign or offer.

On-Demand Targeting takes the guess work out of the selection process by applying a new form of predictive modeling technology to statistically determine your best products.  On-Demand Targeting allows you to improve response rates and lower costs by eliminating those households that will likely never respond to your offer.

Our process has proven results.  In over 200 campaigns in 2006, marketers showed:

  • Response Rates: Improved by an average of 7.8% and up to 15% in some individual cases
  • Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI): Increase by an average of 23% when compares with the marketer using selection criteria alone.  For one such marketer ROMI increased by more than 125%

Identifying the Best Prospects:  On-Demand Targeting harnesses the power of modeling software to examine thousands of possible demographic and psychographic patterns to find consumers who most closely resemble your best customers.

Observation – A major franchise used On-Demand Targeting to generate new business. The consequent mailing yielded 49% more responses per 1,000 mail pieces, and the franchise’s ROMI in-creased by 105%.