Best of 2012: Marketing Guru Has Passion for Community

8b8ea9158d5dc30c5ec52cafeaf8bbee“Watching positivity prevail makes me feel like things are right in the world, ” Loran Tripp says.

As 2012 comes to a close, Land O’ Lakes Patch is taking a look back at the year that was. In October, we caught up with Loran Tripp, a longtime Land O’ Lakes resident, business owner and community leader.

The Partner of Lab3 Marketing said she loves to travel, but its her hometown she’s most passionate about.

“It’s amazing to me what opportunities lie within the local environment and the people who you can meet. It gives me great faith in humanity to watch people give back their time, energy, and money to charities and the organizations they are involved in. I am a big advocate of local charities.  I understand there are global issues, but I believe in helping the people in our area first,” Tripp told Patch.

If you want to read the full version, you’ll find it here: Marketing Guru is Passionate About Her Community

Stay tuned for more highlights from 2012 in the coming days.

Article as it appears on Patch.

Written by Lisa Demmi