Let’s get right to it. Buying likes is not only useless – it actually hurts your page!
I know it’s hard to accept. A part of you is thinking, “It doesn’t matter WHO likes my page because it’s all about building my brand.” And that’s the problem. It DOES matter.
With Facebook’s News Feed being so freakin’ competitive and organic reach way down, the strategy has changed from quantity to quality. This applies to your fans as well as the content you share.
If you want to have a fantastic Facebook business page, your first goal is to STOP buying likes, no matter how cheap they are! Here’s why…
It’s harder to engage with your REAL fans.
Whenever you post something on your business page, Facebook sends it out to a small fraction of your fans. These are the people who already like your page. How this “test group” responds to your content determines whether or not Facebook will share it with more of your fans and possibly even their friends.
If you have 10,000 fans but only 100 who are real fans, your content will go out to fewer real fans and your posts will get less engagement. It’s really as simple as that.
Ad promotion & boosted posts to your fans becomes useless.
Because most of your fans are not real people! Let’s get one thing straight. Paid Facebook Likes = Fake or Empty Accounts. Yes, they are created and used by real people, but the sole purpose of the account is to trade “likes” for money. Just do a search for “like farms” and you’ll see exactly how this works.
These people are not, and will never be, fans of your brand. They will not become customers; they will not engage with your content. And if most of your fans are fake/empty accounts who ignore your FREE posts, it certainly doesn’t make sense to PAY them for that same pleasure!
It devalues all of your posts.
One of the ways your content is is ranked involves the percentage of fans who engage with it regularly. Facebook looks at the ratio of engaged fans to your total number of fans. Here’s an example of how this works…
Let’s use two fictitious business pages, Purple Penny and Blue Burbs. Purple Penny has 10,000 fans with an average of 100 people commenting, clicking, liking or sharing Purple Penny’s posts. Compare this with Blue Burbs. Their page has 1,000 fans with an average of 50 people engaging with Blue Burb’s content.
If the goal of Facebook’s News Feed is to provide relevant content to each user – which business page does this best? BLUE BURBS! Facebook will attribute a higher value to Blue Burb’s posts because 5% of their fans are engaged versus 1% of Purple Penny’s. This is a perfect example of how Facebook gives preference to quality over quantity.
Final Thoughts
By now, it should be painfully clear why buying Facebook likes is a bad move, no matter how tempting they may be. You’re only sabotaging your business. When you understand and play by Facebook’s rules, it continues to be a valuable and cost-effective way to market your business. Just remember that it IS a tool, and the results you achieve are determined by how well you use it. I encourage you to continue to educate yourself so that you can use it wisely!