
Marketing Isn’t Spaghetti

Umm, yes, we know that, Lisa… Marketing probably isn’t a lot of other foods either. I know it’s not a food.  It’s the idea I’m getting at here. We all know that it’s 2014, yes? We all have businesses that need more exposure, revenue, clients, etc, yes? Then you need marketing! Where does the spaghetti fit in? When I was…

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J is for Just Do It!

We hear it all the time from business owners: “I don’t have time for social media.” We’re all busy. Balancing work and life can be a juggling act in itself, but then you add in the expectations of a digital world and things can get overwhelming quickly. But if you can spare 30 minutes per week, you can gradually build…

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Bring It, Facebook!

Take that, Facebook algorithmI just read an article about the Facebook algorithm changes and how a lot of posts will be getting much, much less engagement than usual. Blah, blah, blah… Here's my take on this. I think that we're hearing the social media industry will be negatively impacted because of these changes and I don't think that's accurate. I…

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I is for Images

How To Create Customized Images for Your Blog or Social Media 1. Find a copyright-free image you like, and save it to your desktop. Finding acceptable images online is more complicated than doing a simple Google image search. Most, if not all of the pictures you'll see already belong to someone else. You've probably been using those copyrighted images without…

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H is for Hashtags

#Hashtags are becoming more and more prevalent in marketing campaigns, but did you know there’s a right and a wrong way? These empty tic-tac-toe boards are a great way to set your brand apart and draw attention with minimal effort. Originally started on Twitter, hashtags have since migrated to Facebook, print ads, TV, even voicemail systems. When choosing your hashtag…

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Sex, Puppies, Chocolate OR “Do I Have Your Attention Now?”

Often we think we need to sell or have some traditional way of marketing. How many times have you heard “that’s what we ALWAYS do?” I’m here to tell you this…there’s something else. Here are seven things that you can use to get your creative juices flowing and help you to start “thinking outside the box,” as they say. 1.…

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G is for Guerilla Marketing

Ever walk by an ad that made you look twice? Ever think about that same ad a few days later? Well my friends, you have just been subjected to guerilla marketing, and no, there will not be any cliché gorilla jokes (I’m pretty sure there won’t be, but I haven’t quite finished writing this). Guerilla marketing is perfect for getting…

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Humor in Marketing

(Or Five Ways to Not Upset Your Prospective Clients Because You’re Not Very Funny) So you think you’re funny AND you want to use it in your marketing campaign. That’s all well and good BUT I think I might have a little check off list just to make sure that all will end relatively well. 1.     Are you really funny?…

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F is for Fans, Friends, and Followers

"Help us get 500 Followers!" We've all seen it. Heck, we've tried it ourselves from time to time. But why do we strive for those milestone numbers of Fans, Friends, and Followers? As marketers, we put a lot emphasis on growing those numbers, but how often do we stop to ask ourselves... what does it mean for my business? A…

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Google+: Time to Stop Drinking the G+ Haterade

We’ve heard it a million times: Google+ is just Google’s lame attempt to copy social media’s top dog, Facebook, right? Well, not so fast. It’s about time we stop thinking of Google+ as the red-headed stepchild of social media and start to embrace what the platform has to offer. Granted, the original intent of Google+ may have been to supplant…

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