
El Mercado Latino en EU

La población latina en Estados Unidos está creciendo a un ritmo dramático. El futuro de la economía de EE.UU. va a depender grandemente de esta población debido a los factores demográficos, sociales pero sobre todo culturales. Dicho mercado latino comprende un componente fundamental para el éxito de pequeños y grandes empresas. Los latinos han acumulado importante poder de compra, a…

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Google+: Love to Hate It

According to all statistics I nearly perfectly fit the average Google+ user.  I am in the correct age range, I live in the right country, my social economics status is nearly right on according to the statistics.  I appreciate their privacy centered approach and that Google+ is interest based vs. social based.  The only problem, I hate Google+.  I can’t…

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Virtual Ribbon Cutting

  Answer questions in the comments section below for a chance to win!! Questions: 1. How many people work at Lab3 Marketing (not including the dogs or the newest addition, baby Collins)? Winner Grant! 2. What is Swati's favorite quote? We've got a winner - congrats, Melissa! 3. What 3 companies joined forces to form Lab3 Marketing? Bonus points if…

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Buzzwords…But Wait, There’s More

By Sarah Gentilucci Lab3 Marketing Intern We all find them annoying.  Those overused marketing buzzwords like “best” “world’s number one”, “finest”, “new and improved”, “leading”, and “most wanted”.  You know what I’m talking about; we’ve all seen the advertisements that tell you they have the best leading product on the market with millions of customers coming back for more because…

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The Social Travel Revolution

It used to be that travelers would imagine the destinations they wanted to visit and travel agents were the fairy godmothers who made those dreams come true. Then again, what choice did they have, anyway? Only travel agents had the keys to the castle – access to the GDS and the time to sift through its complicated hierarchy to formulate…

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Networking…It’s SO Not About You!

What does networking mean to you? Does it mean that you'll shove your card in as many faces as possible at the next Chamber event? Does it mean that you'll tell every person you meet what you do, how you do it and why they should use your product/ service? Insert the sound of brakes squealing here and make sure…

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Are You Spike TV or The Hallmark Channel?

I know what you're thinking..."Lisa, are you off your rocker?" Yes, but that's not what's important here! Mmmm-kay? What I'm getting at is this. Who are you being when you're out there doing business? Do you want to look like everyone else and blend in OR do you want to be true to yourself and show a little personality? I…

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It’s Not Always A Numbers Game

  No, I am not talking about the NFL, gambling or math (definitely not about math). I am talking about Social Media, however. I have seen many times when someone wants to have a LOT of followers on Twitter, a LOT of “likes” on Facebook page, a LOT of subscribers to their YouTube channel and blog. BUT…pay attention here, are they…

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Wanna Get LinkedIn?

  Today, we’re going to talk about LinkedIn. Every time I meet with a new client or give a presentation, I hear “LinkedIn is for business, right?” It is if you do it right? LinkedIn can be extremely helpful but like all Social Media platforms you have to be relevant and consistent. First things first, get a LinkedIn profile. It’s…

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