Lead Social Media Chemist
813.867.0017 x)306

What is your favorite marketing product, service or tool?
I love dashboards! In the past, I’ve used HootSuite and TweetDeck, but I’m currently addicted to Sprout Social. I can see exactly how my various pages are performing and schedule posts in advance according to the times I’ve found are most effective.
What is the one marketing rule you love to break?
Some people think it takes a huge marketing budget and complex strategy to make a big difference. I totally disagree! Social media creates an opportunity for businesses to get back to the way our grandparents used to do things – create something that people want, and they’ll come… and they’ll tell their friends (and in the digital space it gets amplified by a zillion)!
What is your favorite food?
Anything Latin! I grew up loving Cuban food (my dad is a ropa vieja addict), but a few years in Arizona turned me into a Mexican food convert for life! My favorite quick fix: Tijuana Flats – coincidentally, my first job in high school.
What is something weird about you?
I was an indoor kid. You know, the kid who preferred reading over getting dirty? Now I swim, bike, and run regularly… sometimes all on the same day. And sometimes, competitively.
A quote:
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” Mark Twain.
Actually, just insert anything that was ever said by Mark Twain and it would work. Love that guy!
What is the first website you look at every morning?
Mail on my phone. Do I have important emails that I’m waiting for? Not usually. I just really love “virtual window shopping” through my email promotions. Knowing I could get a 20% discount on random camping equipment or pet products makes me feel like I’m startin’ my day off right.
With 7+ years experience in marketing and social media under her belt, Erika brings a unique background to the Lab3 Marketing team. Erika got her social media feet wet in college, glitzing and personalizing her friends’ MySpace pages. An unconventional start, yes, but it helped develop her love for the beautification of people’s personal brands. After a 3 year sabbatical from the marketing world (in which she played a mild-mannered middle school teacher in the desert), Erika returned to social media ready to take on a whole new level of digital media… Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and email marketing became her playground.
Erika has developed marketing and social media strategies for companies such as Transamerica Financial Advisors, Women’s Running Magazine, and the Women’s Half Marathon series; as well as countless other small businesses, organizations, and events. Through social media and the online connectivity of everyone, Erika believes that the heyday of big-box marketing has evolved to create a more personalized, localized experience. And for someone who got their start making glittery digital backgrounds, that’s pretty darned exciting.