Chief Communication Scientist
813.867.0017 x)351

What is your favorite marketing product, service or tool? Where would I be without Sprout Social?
What is the one marketing rule you love to break? I never take for granted what someone says about a new tool, platform or trend. I do what my gut tells me.
What is your favorite food? I go through phases…total foodie!
What is something weird about you? I am seriously OCD…I have to have my silverware straight up and down and perfectly aligned next to my plate when I eat. If there’s a pattern on the table, then naturally that has to match up as well.
A quote: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
What is the first website you look at every morning? Facebook, my school grades, weird news that happened in the last day (you know, you start surfing around on the net and you never know where you’ll end up!)
Bio: Lisa Demmi is the Chief Communications Scientist at Lab3 Marketing, a full service marketing agency located in Tampa, FL. She is the former Founder of and Chief Creative Thinker at Cake Marketing Mechanics. A self-proclaimed marketer from birth (ask her parents), Demmi brings to the table 20+ years of experience in Marketing and Business Development. As Chief Communications Scientist and an experienced speaker, she is responsible for crafting marketing content for effective delivery of the Lab3 brand and marketing message. Demmi has always been a huge Social Media fan and still fondly remembers her first “Tweet.” Her specific strengths are creating specialized and custom campaigns for clients as well as forging strong business relationships. Social Media is the place she excels and clients like the Tampa Bay Technology Forum, Give Day Tampa Bay and Craig Latimer, Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections have benefitted from her efforts.